Tips to stay well this holiday season

The holidays can be a stressful time, not only because of the number of commitments and travel plans, but because of the number of germs flying around due to cold and flu season. Here are some wellness tips that can help you stay healthy over the holidays.

  1. Start now - even though you are not sick, it is good to maintain an optimal level of wellness. How do we do this? Take your probiotics, drink tons of quality water, limit caffine, alcohol and sugar intake, and get plenty of rest. During the moments in between stressful events or social obligations, take time out to meditate and exercise. When our baseline is health, our immune system stays strong and even if we do come into contact with germs, we are better able to fight them off.

  2. Add in herbs and spices - this time of years brings us some warm, comforting herbs and spices such as ginger, clover and cinnamon. All of these spices have healing properities as well and taste delicious! You could add in golden milk at night - tumeric, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper and your favorite nut milk - which will not only help you sleep but will also provide an anti-inflammatory response in the body, helping your body deal with stress and rest.

  3. When you travel, protect yourself - bring your antibacterial wipes, wipe down your airplane seats and arm rests, wash your hands after visiting the restroom or restaurant, cover your mouth if you sneeze or hear someone else sneeze, and be mindful of people who look a little under the weather. As a mom with a 2 year old and one on the way, I am very contientious of being around people who are not feeling well. You can also bring some essential oils to help support your immune system. Check out the wellness selection from Rocky Mountain Oils - all of their essential oils are organic and amazing.

  4. Eat well - I love trying new recipes that are healthier alternatives to traditional foods and desserts. You can switch out sugar for honey, maple syrup and dates. These all have healing properities when consumed in limited quantities and can help you fight off disease. You can also try new alternatives to gluten that include quinoa, rice, califlower, and sweet potatoes. Gluten and sugar have been known to not only increase inflammation but can also lead to gut issues. A healthy gut helps you to live well, think clearly and eliminate regularly. Last, pick a high quality probiotic and bring them with you on the road. Take an extra dose before/after take off to give you an extra boost of healthy gut flora.

  5. Stress less - how do you dissipate stress in your mind and body? For me, massages and meditation help to dissolve worry and overwhelm. I exercise regularly through yoga and hiking outdoors to stay energized and alert. Try planning these healthy activities with friends and family instead of hitting happy hour. In my experience, people are really enthusastic to stay active while enjoying the creature comforts of warm meals and friendly conversation. Try to keep it simple and leave plenty of time to transition from one thing to the next.

  6. Last, if you do get sick, take time to rest. Even though we want to be part of the festivities, your body will fight off the disease so much faster if you dedicate time to heal and rest. Sleep is the #1 thing you need to restore health to the body. Our bodies can only do the healing work necessary to have the energy to do all the things we want to do when we are well rested. Download a meditation app and find a meditation for sleep or yoga nidra practice that helps drift you off into dreamland.

Those are my top tips! I think health and wellbeing come and go with the season and stressors in our lives. You can do all of this prep work and still come down with fatigue or a cold. Know that your body is designed to heal and has the blueprint to restore health. Try to keep your mind right through meditation, journaling, establishing boundaries and taking care of yourself. Wishing you a happy holiday season ahead!